California Republican Party Proposes to Abandon The Pro-Life Fight

California Republican Party Proposes to Abandon The Pro-Life Fight Great Britain led the world in the abolition of human slavery. William Wilberforce is credited as the leader in the fight that began in the 1780’s. The prevailing opinion in Parliament in the 18th Century was, Africans were sub human and their lives were made better [...]

2023-09-12T22:04:04+00:00September 7th, 2023|California, Legislation|Comments Off on California Republican Party Proposes to Abandon The Pro-Life Fight

STOP CA Assembly Bills: AB602 and AB1720

You Can Help STOP AB602 & AB1720 AB602 Overview This was an education bill that passed the Assembly before the new legislative deadline and then was gutted and amended with new legislation aimed at Pregnancy Centers and the advertising practices we use. The assumption by the author of the bill is that California Pregnancy Centers [...]

2023-08-24T23:57:51+00:00August 17th, 2023|Legislation, State|Comments Off on STOP CA Assembly Bills: AB602 and AB1720
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